The medicine in Cuba

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Despite the high levels of poverty on the island of Cuba, its population is among the healthiest in the world. And even more, his advances in the field of health have absolutely nothing to envy to those of the rest of the world.

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However, Cuba's health system, universally recognized for the excellence of its professionals, is based precisely on training. In this context, and in the face of a reality that manifests extremely limited economic resources, Cuba has taken examples of public health systems from other Latin American countries, including Argentina, to develop its own. In this context, it is important to point out the importance of new technologies in everything related to the education and training of professionals.
The Internet, above all, is an extremely useful tool to study medicine from any other country in the region, and thus obtain results similar to those observed in the most prestigious universities in developed nations, especially when we talk about specialties with a high degree of demand. No matter from which point of view the problem is analyzed, health can only be efficient when it has capable and up-to-date professionals in all areas that understand its specialty.
That is why in Cuba, whose health model, we insist, is based on the same structure that Argentina knew how to exercise for many years in the continent, it is based on its medical professionals. In this context, the internet is a fundamental support tool for everyone working in the field of health. In Cuba, as in any country that is sincerely interested in the health of its people, the possibility of studying, training and even perfecting in medicine through the internet is one of the most important factors when it comes to understanding universality in access to health among all the fringes of its population.